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With a Membership you can stream our ENTIRE collection of 253 original scenes on any device PC, MAC or from any Mobile device, featuring daddies and admirers in action you will NOT see anywhere else.
Enjoy exclusive new scenes updates every other week. With a Membership you save 25% on downloads and Cloud Stash.
Membership vs Credits? We recommend getting a Membership to stream all the scenes; if you want to keep your favorite scenes forever, then get credits to Download them or use Cloud Stash.

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Recommended for you if you want to keep scenes forever with no time restrictions like the ones imposed by a monthly Membership. Ideal for you if you do not like memberships and only want specific scenes.
If you use Cloud Stash, you can save the videos you like in our Cloud and come back to enjoy them any time. You do not need to download anything. You own your cloud video collection forever.
Membership vs Credits? We recommend getting a Membership to stream all the scenes; if you want to keep your favorite scenes forever, then get credits to Download them or use Cloud Stash.

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